Did you know you only have about three seconds to capture the attention of your website visitors and gain their trust?

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Video: Building Trust With Your Users

1 min read


You have three seconds to decide if you’re going to learn this marketing hack or keep scrolling. 

Did you know you only have 3 seconds to capture the attention of your website visitors and actually gain their trust? 

@designzillas Does your website pass the “grunt test”? Follow these 5 tips for creating straightforward content even a caveman would understand. ? #Marketing #MarketingTips #ContentMarketing #DigitalMarketing #WebDesign #JustCavemanThings ♬ Mission Impossible (Main Theme) – Favorite Movie Songs

Humans are biologically wired to avoid danger at all costs.

People are on guard now more than ever with their time and attention.

We’re all skeptical of anything that raises a red flag — especially online.

But do you want to know the easiest way to disarm someone on your website in just three seconds?

It’s being CRYSTAL CLEAR with how you can help them solve their problem: 

Simplify your message as if you’re talking to a caveman.

So here are five caveman snacks to keep your visitor hanging around beyond the dreaded three-second cut-off: 

  1. Don’t Say Too Many Things at Once The more you say, the more my brain has to process. Less is more.
  2. Save Your Fancy Jargon For Jeopardy — Talk to them in plain English.
  3. Make Your Website User-Friendly — The pages should be easy to navigate.
  4. Ensure Your Pages Are Loading FAST — Otherwise, you’ll lose them in the blink of an eye. 
  5. Guide Your User Through a Seamless Journey — A great website can take me from page to page without any friction.

So do your caveman — I mean… your website visitor a favor… don’t make them think.

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Johnny Hughes

The ferocious CEO and founder of Designzillas, Johnny is the dino-mite ringleader who helps make the company thrive. 

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